Extreme Weather

In Australia, extreme weather issues are usually not an issue. With the exception of devastating heatwaves occurring within the country. Heatwaves have always been a natural hazard that has caused deaths all through the country. Since the year 2000 there has been over 550 deaths due to these heat waves. This doesn't count the deaths due to fires  created by heatwaves. The death toll would be in the thousands if this figure was included. The temperatures of a heatwave in Australia can exceed 110 degrees as an average temperature for days at a time. This can particularly be harmful to young children, the elderly and people with certain health issues. During the month of January 2018 multiple cities broke their records for hottest day. Some cities exceeded over 115 degrees during peak times of heat. Radio broadcasts commonly push out incoming news regarding heatwaves and keep the public up to date about current and future ones. Also emergency services are on extra alert on standby when these brutal temperatures appear.

SOURCES: Link 1, Link 2


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