Final Hazard Report

     Currently the biggest threat that stands to the countryside of Australia, it's beautiful land and people are bushfires. A bushfire is when a fire breaks out in an area where the vegetation is uncontrolled. This means no structures or infrastructure is being burnt down. They consist of dried grass, shrubs and the open wilderness. Australia is prone to bushfires for two main reasons.Many of the native plants have a high content of oil which makes them easier to ignite and they also burn for longer periods of time at a hotter temperature. Secondly is the dry hot climate, which are perfect conditions for natural bushfires to occur. Plants become more flammable at a low humidity because they release their moisture more easily. So this sets up the perfect storm for large scale bushfires to occur. They are a number one natural hazard priority because they are the biggest cause of natural disaster related deaths in the country. Secondly bushfires cause the 2nd most damage in terms of economic loss a year. This is the most dangerous and costly natural issue in Australia that needs to be addressed.

     The Australian countryside is massive, the vegetation stretches for thousands of miles and can simply not be contained nor should it be in some circumstances. Many species of native vegetation reproduce and keep the land healthy because of bushfires. It replenishes the nutrients in the earth. It's apart of a healthy system and the core of land itself can thrive because of bushfires. But this is an issue because humans now live on this land. This is why some core services need to be implemented in higher populated areas that are more prone to bushfires. 

     First would be to utilize the sentinel network and improve upon its work. The sentinel provides data imaging of hotspots all over Australia. It shows the government practically where the next bushfire is more likely to ignite. It's database holds this information for 30 days. I would extend this program and utilize long term research to see where and when these hotspots are more likely appear. From this resources can be redistributed to more at risk areas and bushfires can be stopped faster before they rage out of control.
The first target for help would be Victoria. Victoria has the second highest population out of all of the states but has the largest amount of deadly bushfires occur. This particular state area needs to be addressed first to prevent the future loss of life and economic loss.
      If I had to construct a house in Australia I would build it a few miles east outside Sydney near the suburbs. This area has little vegetation so bushfires don't really happen often. The temperature can still be hot but cooler than the national average to due the coastal cooling the area receives. And lastly cyclones don't happen often in this area which is beneficial. Living in this part of Australia I believe is the safest. It puts you at the least risk and exposure to a natural disaster happening to you.

SOURCRES: Link 1 , Link 2 , Link 3


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! Bush fires are scary because they start out as something harmless, but once out of control can become very dangerous. That's great that the sentinel network in Australia is able to inform the government where the next bush fires are going to occur. Then hopefully that can stop them before the get out of control. Congratulations on completing your last blog post for the class!

  2. Fantastic final post...I have a great friend living in Sydney so I have heard about the issues with drought and bushfires...after all, most of the country is a desert or very arid... I liked your mitigation measures and how you'd help the population to fight this hazard.

  3. I learned a lot from this post. I have always wanted to know more about Australia so I definitely learned more from your post. You gave a lot of really detailed information, great post!

  4. Great final post! I was very surprised to find out about all the bush fires that occur in Australia. I think most people only the amazing, beautiful parts of this country and not the parts where there is extreme drought and bush fires. My country, Jamaica is similar to Australia in the sense that many of the natural hazards are somewhat ignored because of the beautiful tourist attractions. I hope you had a great semester!


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